Friday, 6 May 2011

Spring Stashdash

I decided to join in the Spring Stashdash taking part over at the Stash Knitdown group on Ravelry. The idea is you fill a basket with stash\ current projects and only work on those until the end of June.

Heres my basket with the planned knitting in it.

And it all spread out on the bed, theres a bit of fibre there too to spin with
So far I have finished the shawl at the left front (the orang and purple yarn) and knitted up 2 balls of the blue striped yarn,
I think I might swap the grey skein for another as I am going to knit my neice some socks for her birthday at the end of June.
Wonder how long it will take for me to get fed up with these projects, or whether I will see the bottom of the bin by the end of June.

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