Sunday, 2 September 2007

I can steek!!!!

Diane M on the AY forum kindly did a tutorial on steeking (cutting holes in knitting for armholes etc) This is my sample and also my first attempt at fairisle too.

Here is the sample after cutting, the edge was neatened with crochet prior to cutting.

This is the edge that was cut then neatened with blanket stitch, it unravelled a bit but the stitching has hald it in place, i've given it a good tug and stretch and it hasnt unravelled.

And finally here is an update on the modular cushion, now done 14 shapes.


kathryn said...

Steeking still seems something like magic to me! I know it works - I've seen photos....but....

That tutorial is very good and I shall definitely have a go.

Soo said...

I'm really liking that modular cushion cover. Off to find out more about it...

Linz Knits Now said...

I bow to your skills...steeking freaks me out no end!
I know it makes sense (well sort of ;)) and after doing a little fairisle, which is so much easier in the round I AM beginning to understand the reasoning behind steeks....dunno if I will ever be brave enough though. lol