Monday, 27 August 2007

Bank holiday Challenge update

Well, heres how I got on.

My DD got a new top made for school,

Made a pair of gloves for my friends birthday

and I finished MS3 (had nearly all of clue 7 to do) Now I'm going to try to finish a cardi for my friends wee girl while I have the urge to finish things.

And yes mum, I did do the housework too!!


Soo said...

Wow!!! That's amazing productivity! All looking good -- can't wait to see the MS3 blocked.

Linz Knits Now said...

beautiful work nevisknitter! I love the top you have sewn for your daughter and the knitting is fab too (love the gloves)

And you have finished MS3 too....I never even started this *blush*

you are just fab!

LittleBerry said...

well done you've had a very productive BH weekend

Piglottie said...

They both look great! I love the gloves - is that the Fetching pattern?