Friday, 26 December 2008

Christmas knitting

I knitted these cute little baby socks as stockings for all the kids in my sunday school class ( I teach the 3 & 4 year olds). They each had a sweet and wee toy inside and the kids loved them.
The rest of my christmas knitting ground to a halt, the nativity kings still aren't finished, but I suppose they could get done in time for January and the hoodie is still waiting to get sewn up.
I decided to dig out the goddess knits mystery shawl, I ran out of yarn while doing the border on this so I ripped back the border last week and restarted it using black Jaggerspun zephyr (left over from MS3), so have been knitting that all week and finally finished last night, just got to block it now.
I'm now going to spend the rest of this year finishing off some of my outstanding WIP, so hopefully I should have some more finished things to show you this week.

1 comment:

Soo said...

I love those little stockings - what a great idea!!

Belated Merry Christmas and all the best for 2009!!