Wednesday, 29 October 2008


Yes, its nearly November already and after looking at the piles of WIP that I have I have decided to repeat what I did last year and make November the month for NO casting on of new projects. Currently I have OTN :-

Great American Aran Afghan (I am ashamed to say this was being knitted last November too)

Spider Web shawl from VLT


Goddess Knits Anniversary Shawl

Nativity - just the kings to do now.

Aran Jumper for DS2

Chunky Jumper for DS2


Crochet hat

and have just signed up for Woolly wormheads mystery hat.

Hopefully I should have made a dint in these projects by December.

Anyone else up for the challenge?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wish I had seen this sooner. I remembered NO-vember from last year and had thought about doing it again. How did you get on?