Wednesday, 16 December 2009

Yes, I'm still here

Crocheted this christmas tree for the local library where I work as a relief library assistant, we have no spare plug sockets for a tree with lights. Its 7" high, and the lights are hama beads I also made some cranfords from the leftovers from my crochet jacket, these are too small for me but are now keeping a friends hands warm

These are 2 more strips I made for 'stitches on the bridge'

The scarf above is stolen moments
and I'm sure you all recognise clapotis.
I dont think I will manage to finish 12 sweaters this year, I've finished 4 more (photos soon) and have the sleeves to do on no 11 but been sidetracked by other knitting. I still have 10 more sweaters than I did this time last year (and my mum got one too). I still have plans to knit more sweaters next year but found being tied to one type of project too stifling.